Giveaway/Drawing: Five Mail Art Envelopes

Hello, my “Week of Christmas” friends!

I am so excited to make the envelopes for the winners of this giveaway/drawing. FIVE of you can expect to receive an email from me on January 2nd asking for your mailing address. Everyone else can keep an eye on the TPK Blog at the end of January to see the creative results of this “Week of Christmas” treat.

Two Hours, Four Fancy Envelopes
Love mail art? You can browse all of TPK’s mail art-related articles and tutorials here.

The Giveaway

Anyone (anywhere) is eligible to receive an envelope from me. The drawing will end Monday, January 2nd, at noon MST, at which point the winners will receive an email! The winners’ first name and last initials will also be displayed on the Rafflecopter widget on this page. A few weeks later, you’ll also see the envelopes — with certain parts of the addresses obscured for privacy, in an article on the TPK Blog. Good luck, and thanks very much for participating!

To enter the giveaway, use the Rafflecopter widget below! If you have any questions, please scroll down a bit to read TPK’s giveaway FAQs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway FAQs

#1: “I can’t enter the giveaway. How does it work?” Sign in to the widget above with your email address or Facebook account. Then, choose the giveaway entry option — or options — that you’d like to submit.

#2: “I don’t have a social media account. Can I still enter the giveaway?” Yes! Just use your email address to sign in to the widget. The widget asks for your Facebook account or email address so I can contact you if you win!

#3: “Rafflecopter isn’t working for me.” Usually when this happens, Rafflecopter isn’t playing nice with your browser. If you can, try switching to a different browser (or a different device). If you can’t get it to work, email me, and I can manually enter you.